19 January 2008

The haze of the last week continues

For those of you who do not already know, I had major back surgery last week. I am doing really well, healing well, and in pretty good spirits. I have really really good friends. Not just people who have coffee with you, or would love to sit and hear gossip with you, but true friends. These few and amazing people who know who they are have made the past week of my life perfect. I have not had to once worry about the care of my son thanks to Grammy and Brooke. I have not had to bathe myself thanks to my wonderful husband and I have not had to be alone thanks to my Jessa, and my mother in law this past week. I just really want to thank everyone for thier prayers and support! I still have a really long journey ahead of me, but with the support system that I have, I know it will go very smoothly!

Sorry if you are grossed out easily, but I didn't think the picture was too bad, so I posted it anyway.

xoxo- love you all!

10 January 2008

The "other man"

So it's like this..........

I have a boyfriend.. I have for years. I am not sure that he knows that he is my boyfriend but I assure you that he is. My husband is aware of this other man, and he accepts it. His name is Regis Philbin. You can moan and groan all you want, but I love this man. I watch his show faithfully every weekday morning at 9 am. Every year they have a beautiful baby search on the show. This year I entered Elijah in it. I have been watching for his picture on the air everyday, but my Regis has failed me thus far. We may have to break up.

Tell me, all you faithful blog readers, how can this precious boy not be in the top ten???

I can't figure it out either. There is still time for Regis to redeem himself, but that time is running out very quickly.

04 January 2008

No more candy!!!!

Now that the Christmas season is over, we are starting to get back to the normal routine of things.

We had a fantastic Christmas! We all got new beds from Grammy and Pappy. Elijah got a new bedroom set! he is starting to sleep in his own room again! Hopefully it will be an easy transition for us.