29 August 2008

potty training is not as fun as you might think!

I have decided to forego the pull up stage and go straight to big boy underwear.

I have asked my mother in law if I could have her steam cleaner on standby.

I bought some urine carpet cleaning spray.


Day 1 is going pretty well. We have gone through 3 pairs of Elmo underwear or "pannies" as Elijah calls them.. Thanks to Pappy.

I has been somewhat of a struggle to get him to tell me before he has to go. So, I am asking him every 5 minutes if he has to go. He has gone 3 times today, receiving 6 m&m's and lots of excitement and praise.

My question is this, How long will I have to get super excited when he goes to the potty? Will he be 15 years old and refuse to go unless he gets lots of praise and a treat?

Maybe I am going about this all wrong, but I just can't see paying $15 for a bag of pull ups that will only last a week. A box of 88 Pampers cruisers is only 21 bucks and that lasts almost 2 weeks.

I am a cheap lady these days.
Maybe I shouldn't be pushing the issue at all. Maybe he wants to keep wearing diapers and be my baby just a little while longer. I am so ready to be free of changing them though.

If I have to spend the next week on my hands and knees scrubbing carpet and tile, that is what I am prepared to do.

We will see how long this lasts... I will keep you posted.

Any suggestions are always welcome!



11 August 2008

The best two years of my life.......

update of sorts

I feel like I have been running around with my head cut off lately. In addition to being a full time stay at home mom, housewife, errand runner and problem solver.. I am still doing my real estate assisting work and working at Wasabi's waiting tables on Wednesdays. I just got an offer to work at South Park Saloon, bartending and waiting tables one or two nights a week. I don't know how I can turn it down because of the money aspect, but I don't know if I can physically do it!

We are getting ready for the big number 2 birthday. The decorations have been purchased and the BBQ is ready to go for the most part! I hope it is a blast for Elijah. Grammy bought a little toddler pool and we are going to try to find a sprinkler. Kids love water... right?

I will of course keep you updated on the party!

My cousin Amber is in Labor right now!!! Yay! Hopefully tomorrow I will have some pictures to post of the darling Isaiah Anania!!

I finally got my camera to work!! Guess what it took???? Batteries! that 's right. I guess the last batch that I bought were duds. I tried to put the ones from the remote in the camera and now it works.. the remote is a needed casualty.

That's all for now, I will keep you posted on the comings and goings of our little clan.
