30 June 2008

Busy weekend

This weekend Sam and I got to go to our friend Matt and Colleen's wedding. We had such a good time! It was nice to be around adults and do adult things! The funny thing about it is that we talked about Elijah the entire time.

Grammy bought Elijah his first Tricycle this weekend. He loves it. He won't take off his helmet and has been riding it non-stop since this morning.

27 June 2008

Job hunting

I have been searching for a job that lets me come in after 5 or lets me work from home..........What the hell is the problem here? I think my only option is to wait tables until my business gets busy. I started a personal assistant business not too long ago and it is not doing as well as I would like. The real estate market is slow meaning I am slow.

Elijah has been running around like a mad man lately and has picked up some not so choice words. I am not sure how to correct this problem, everything I have tried has just made it worse.


I just hope that while he is at Grammy's this weekend, he doesn't use the "s" word or the worse "F" bomb!!!

anyone anyone?

24 June 2008

a little update

Time is just flying by and once again I have been slacking on my blogging.. I will do better I will do better I will do better................................

Here are some pictures to tide you over:)