29 February 2008

minny minny and bops.. don't forget iggie

Elijah has started to say a few recognizable words besides Mim (mom) and Daddy. He now sings minny minny (Handy Manny) yells BOPS!! (doodlebops) and iggie!!!! (wiggles).. These are the 3 shows we watch every single morning without fail. I wonder if it is bad that his first few words are all TV shows??? Not that I am in the running by any means for mother of the year! I am ready for the backlash! Give it to me, I can take it! I can't wait for summer. Big things await in the warm sunshine. I pledge to take Elijah to the park in the afternoons and swimming once a week. I can't have a TV monster already! He is only 18 months old!

Lots has gone on in the past month and a half since I have blogged. (sorry about that) I have been really trying to recover and get back to normal, but my blog has been neglected. We are home and settled back into a routine which is nice. I still can neither drive or pick up my son, but it works somehow that I stay home with him. God works in very mysterious ways indeed! I have kept my sanity during this painful time and had a lot of fun with my very curious and brave son! I swear he is going to break his neck one day jumping off the couch!! (any suggestions for that one are welcome)

Another wonderful thing has happened to us. My good friends Carmen and Scott were finally able to bring home their daughter from Guatemala. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, endless prayers and boundless faith she is here!!! I had the pleasure of Miss. Tenley's company this past week. Carmen came over for Elijah and Tenley's first play date. I was so excited. My stomach was in knots in anticipation to meet this little angel who had touched my heart before she was even born,when Carmen was just 'pregnant on paper'. The day was a success! Elijah was a pretty good boy and Tenley was just a doll. I am so glad to have her in my extended family.