25 November 2008


This is why I get zero sleep.............Both of my boys sleep like this.

He LOVES to blowdry his hair... what a freak-o.

Sorry it has taken me so long to post anything! I have been in a funk and really didn't have anything good or exciting to share with anyone:)

Now that things are back to normal, I thought I should post a few pictures of the Destroyer.

Sam got a new job this past week, working for Summit County Recycling. This was the best early Christmas present ever!

Speaking of Christmas, How is it almost here? I can't believe that it will be time to put up our tree this weekend!

I think Elijah is really going to enjoy putting the tree up and decorating. This year will be the best yet, since he will understand a little more and will be able to participate.

Christmas is a difficult time for me, but since Elijah was born it has become a really exciting and meaningful time.

These kids really do take over every aspect of your life. I never thought that I would be able to let go of a lot of the ill feelings that I was harboring deep down.

Elijah has really changed my heart. I finally know what the "Christmas Spirit" is and I actually feel it...

Here is your challenge............tell me why Christmas is important to you............I am waiting..............................................



07 November 2008

Halloween fun....

This year we took Elijah Trick or Treating for the first time!
He only got scared one time! Alma, CO has an event called "Trick or Trunk". People park at town hall and give out candy from their trunks. So much fun!

Here is our Christmas card:)

Colleen and I are waiting for the kids to come to the truck for candy.
We really had a good time this year. When we got home we had trick or treaters until 8:30.