23 December 2008

kids are awesome.

Elijah likes my boots!

Lovin the web cam! You can see his goose egg really well in this picture!
EVERYONE needs to get a web cam so you can talk to this amazin boy!! He blows my mind everyday. I fall more and more in love with him everyday.
Elijah likes chicken... A LOT .. he always wants chicken
last night I was making chicken and he says..
word for word..
E "Mama chicken??:(jumping up and down)
T "yes baby"
E "Mammaaaa........??"
T "what?E "mamma chicken Wizsha????"(dancing around the kitchen)
T "yes baby"E mamma tatoes??? (very very seriously)
T "mashed tatoes with Gravy!"
E "HECK YEAH, MAMMA!!!! (jumping and dancing and hugging my legs over and over again)

People without kids are really missing out:)


11 December 2008

First "real" haircut

Handsome boy! with a new hairct


This morning was definitely one for the books.

The destroyer usually sits there and watches me blow dry my hair and waits patiently for his turn.

Today, as I am starting the drying process, I turn to my right and see that he has pulled most of the toilet paper off of the roll and put it in the toilet. Awesome.

He sees me.........I see him............He takes off running like a gazelle and slams right into the half open door of the the bathroom.

This not only really hurts, it really pissed him off that he didn't pull a fast one on me! ha

The worst part is that I couldn't even get mad about the disgusting mess that I have not to clean up, but I sat there holding him and letting him know that everything was OK.

I think this one might have taught him that toilet paper lesson... we will see.

We finally got out of the house and I clearly tell him.."no more shenanigans today, Sir"!

We went to Wells Fargo to deposit Sam's check that FINALLY got here.

They have a giant stuffed HORSE at Wells Fargo.

This is not a good idea, Wells Fargo!

Elijah loved this horse and thought it should be his. He thought this very loudly in the lobby of the bank.

After minimal embarrassment, I convince him that might get one for Christmas and he agrees to leave.

As we are walking out, This sad little boy with a huge goose egg on his forehead turns to say one last goodbye to his horse and SMACK!!!! right into the deposit slip table.!!!!!!! CRAP!!!!!!!!

We made it out of the bank in almost one piece and walk down to the haircutting place.

Nicole was a brave girl, she jumped in at the challenge to cut a 2 year old boys hair.

It really went well until the end and I had to sit in the chair with him in order to finish..

This was not the best of days for our little guy, but he looks super cute!

09 December 2008

Our first football game, having kids makes you goofy.

Some of you maybe saying to yourself, I have seen these pictures already...
This is because as my cousin Matt says "Having Kids makes you goofy".
I have posted the full photo album on Kodak gallery and sent them out to most of my family.
I have posted most of the pictures on Myspace and Facebook, for my long lost friends to see.
I am now blogging about them on blogger...
I guess I have to make sure that everyone knows what is going on in my life with out having to actually call anyone.
I love you all! T

Elijah passed out after the exciting game.

Playing in front of the Stadium "bid rocks"

Clapping for EVERYONE!!!

You are getting very sleepy.....................

yes, we really do things together..

Broncos running on to the field.

concern over the overwhelming loudness.. he got used to it and loved it!

so tired by the end

25 November 2008


This is why I get zero sleep.............Both of my boys sleep like this.

He LOVES to blowdry his hair... what a freak-o.

Sorry it has taken me so long to post anything! I have been in a funk and really didn't have anything good or exciting to share with anyone:)

Now that things are back to normal, I thought I should post a few pictures of the Destroyer.

Sam got a new job this past week, working for Summit County Recycling. This was the best early Christmas present ever!

Speaking of Christmas, How is it almost here? I can't believe that it will be time to put up our tree this weekend!

I think Elijah is really going to enjoy putting the tree up and decorating. This year will be the best yet, since he will understand a little more and will be able to participate.

Christmas is a difficult time for me, but since Elijah was born it has become a really exciting and meaningful time.

These kids really do take over every aspect of your life. I never thought that I would be able to let go of a lot of the ill feelings that I was harboring deep down.

Elijah has really changed my heart. I finally know what the "Christmas Spirit" is and I actually feel it...

Here is your challenge............tell me why Christmas is important to you............I am waiting..............................................



07 November 2008

Halloween fun....

This year we took Elijah Trick or Treating for the first time!
He only got scared one time! Alma, CO has an event called "Trick or Trunk". People park at town hall and give out candy from their trunks. So much fun!

Here is our Christmas card:)

Colleen and I are waiting for the kids to come to the truck for candy.
We really had a good time this year. When we got home we had trick or treaters until 8:30.

13 October 2008

October is COLD!

The title of this blog has nothing to do with it's content. It is just a statement. A harsh reality that is my life.........cold weather. Yes, the winter is peaking it's ugly face around the corner. The aspen trees are no longer a glorious painting of yellow and orange. Those once mesmerizing leaves, lay dead on the ground of my yard, waiting for someone to rake them up to be sent to their grave.

October has come and it almost half way over, and I have just realized that it is here. I am finally writing 10 on my checks instead of 9. This is a record for me, it usually takes me until the last week of the month to get it right.

The Destroyer is finding more and more creative ways to get into mischief. I think I am managing it with some sort of confidence and consistency. I am still in the middle of turmoil within myself of the correct discipline to administer for different offenses. Hopefully, this time of 'Darkness' will not last tooo long.

The next dilemma.........Halloween.

Should we go out or stay in? Halloween has become such a drunken, reckless night for adults these days. Luckily most people are not out and about at the time of trick or treating.

Some say that we shouldn't let our kids participate in festivities at all because of the 'demonic' blah blah blah.. I say dress up, get candy, get cavities and enjoy being a kid for as long as you can! We all know that I am not a religious fanatic, so those guys can stay in and be grumpy and pray for us sinners out with our kids having a blast!

Last year, we stayed in and handed out candy. The Destroyer, Sam and I really had fun doing that. Our small community really had quite a trick or treating turn out. I am not sure if The Destroyer would 'get' trick or treating. He may just enjoy giving candy to ghosts and goblins all night again. I will let you, my loyal readers, know as soon as we decide! :)

This past weekend we had a birthday dinner for Grammy and Pappy at our house. I made a strawberry custard short cake volcano cake.. I know, I am kickass...:) It actually came out rather well.

I am posting some pics of the cake and also of our future musician, and Sam and The Destroyer playing Star Wars on the Wii.

Hope all is well



03 October 2008

fun in the fall

elijah, Nina and Toby

Elijah, Nina, Toby and Leah

Nina is fearless!

Posing for Mama

You would never think that this sweet looking boy would be such a hellion!

Dillon Dam road on Thursday.

Tyler, madison and Elijah crashing.

29 September 2008

I officially know nothing about anything

I wish I truly knew all of the things I thought I knew when I was younger. All of the things when I wasn't a parent that I said I would never do flash like a old black and white movie through my head.

My reality is not anything that I thought it would be. Not that I don't love every second of my wonderful, terrifying and fulfilling life.

Elijah...(known hereafter only as The Destroyer) has taught me more about life in two short years then I could have ever wanted to know.

Stay at home moms do not get the credit they deserve. No,I do not hold a paying full time job. I do not contribute much money to the household bank account.
If I were to be paid for what I do, I would expect that we would be quite financially stable, with no debt to speak of. If you do the math, local daycare workers get paid $11 an hour...11 dollars an hour x 24 hours a day x 763 days of The Destroyers life =$201,432..........that ain't pocket change!

I wrote a blog not too long ago that I deleted because it was a harsh and ill-thought out rant. I am sure it offended some, and made some laugh. I deleted it because after some comments from my Aunt Loretta (who has 6 children and knows more then I) made me think about the other side of things and also take a step back at my iron-clad ideas.

I have learned that you can't have many iron-clad ideas with kids. Your ideas are more like jello that hasn't quite set.

I have learned that there are people that know more then me about everything. I just need to tap into those resources more often. I need to step back and evaluate what is and isn't working in my parenting practices.

I do know that by nap time everyday, I look like I have been climbing through the sewer system.
My face undoubtedly has some kind of condiment or dirt smeared on it. My hair is falling out of the ponytail that I put in when I woke up. My t-shirt is stained with gross boogers, or previously stated condiments and or dirt. It is only noon. I have only one child.

I tell ya, these terrible two's are kicking my butt. My sweet, soft natured, little baby boy has turned into a fit having, unreasonable, destroyer of all.

I am trying to use patience, love and understanding during this time. This is not working.
Actually, NOTHING is working. Time out is worse on me then him. Standing there holding him still until he calms down does nothing more then give me a backache and headache. Spanking is my last resort these days, but is not fruitful either. Reasoning... with a 2 year old? Yes, I tried it... I might as well of tried to train a frog to dance.

My cousin's husband has coined this time frame in a child's life as "the darkness" This is the most accurate description that I have ever heard..... and I have a semi-well behaved child.

They say that God only gives you as much as you can handle. I hope that He schedules an intervention with The Destroyer very soon.

Motherhood is the most exhausting thing that I have tried to tackle. If I could go back and give myself advice 2 years ago, I would tell myself to go ahead and line a room in my house with padding and sound proof walls.. I could use one of those right now.

29 August 2008

potty training is not as fun as you might think!

I have decided to forego the pull up stage and go straight to big boy underwear.

I have asked my mother in law if I could have her steam cleaner on standby.

I bought some urine carpet cleaning spray.


Day 1 is going pretty well. We have gone through 3 pairs of Elmo underwear or "pannies" as Elijah calls them.. Thanks to Pappy.

I has been somewhat of a struggle to get him to tell me before he has to go. So, I am asking him every 5 minutes if he has to go. He has gone 3 times today, receiving 6 m&m's and lots of excitement and praise.

My question is this, How long will I have to get super excited when he goes to the potty? Will he be 15 years old and refuse to go unless he gets lots of praise and a treat?

Maybe I am going about this all wrong, but I just can't see paying $15 for a bag of pull ups that will only last a week. A box of 88 Pampers cruisers is only 21 bucks and that lasts almost 2 weeks.

I am a cheap lady these days.
Maybe I shouldn't be pushing the issue at all. Maybe he wants to keep wearing diapers and be my baby just a little while longer. I am so ready to be free of changing them though.

If I have to spend the next week on my hands and knees scrubbing carpet and tile, that is what I am prepared to do.

We will see how long this lasts... I will keep you posted.

Any suggestions are always welcome!

