13 October 2008

October is COLD!

The title of this blog has nothing to do with it's content. It is just a statement. A harsh reality that is my life.........cold weather. Yes, the winter is peaking it's ugly face around the corner. The aspen trees are no longer a glorious painting of yellow and orange. Those once mesmerizing leaves, lay dead on the ground of my yard, waiting for someone to rake them up to be sent to their grave.

October has come and it almost half way over, and I have just realized that it is here. I am finally writing 10 on my checks instead of 9. This is a record for me, it usually takes me until the last week of the month to get it right.

The Destroyer is finding more and more creative ways to get into mischief. I think I am managing it with some sort of confidence and consistency. I am still in the middle of turmoil within myself of the correct discipline to administer for different offenses. Hopefully, this time of 'Darkness' will not last tooo long.

The next dilemma.........Halloween.

Should we go out or stay in? Halloween has become such a drunken, reckless night for adults these days. Luckily most people are not out and about at the time of trick or treating.

Some say that we shouldn't let our kids participate in festivities at all because of the 'demonic' blah blah blah.. I say dress up, get candy, get cavities and enjoy being a kid for as long as you can! We all know that I am not a religious fanatic, so those guys can stay in and be grumpy and pray for us sinners out with our kids having a blast!

Last year, we stayed in and handed out candy. The Destroyer, Sam and I really had fun doing that. Our small community really had quite a trick or treating turn out. I am not sure if The Destroyer would 'get' trick or treating. He may just enjoy giving candy to ghosts and goblins all night again. I will let you, my loyal readers, know as soon as we decide! :)

This past weekend we had a birthday dinner for Grammy and Pappy at our house. I made a strawberry custard short cake volcano cake.. I know, I am kickass...:) It actually came out rather well.

I am posting some pics of the cake and also of our future musician, and Sam and The Destroyer playing Star Wars on the Wii.

Hope all is well



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