25 November 2008


This is why I get zero sleep.............Both of my boys sleep like this.

He LOVES to blowdry his hair... what a freak-o.

Sorry it has taken me so long to post anything! I have been in a funk and really didn't have anything good or exciting to share with anyone:)

Now that things are back to normal, I thought I should post a few pictures of the Destroyer.

Sam got a new job this past week, working for Summit County Recycling. This was the best early Christmas present ever!

Speaking of Christmas, How is it almost here? I can't believe that it will be time to put up our tree this weekend!

I think Elijah is really going to enjoy putting the tree up and decorating. This year will be the best yet, since he will understand a little more and will be able to participate.

Christmas is a difficult time for me, but since Elijah was born it has become a really exciting and meaningful time.

These kids really do take over every aspect of your life. I never thought that I would be able to let go of a lot of the ill feelings that I was harboring deep down.

Elijah has really changed my heart. I finally know what the "Christmas Spirit" is and I actually feel it...

Here is your challenge............tell me why Christmas is important to you............I am waiting..............................................



1 comment:

The Vaille's said...

Enjoying the Christmas spirit through the kids!!!