04 April 2008

Waiting till the last minute once again.........

Elijah and I are getting ready to go on the adventure of his little life! We are embarking on a road trip from Colorado to Texas.

My brave sister in law and Elijah and I will be leaving in the morning. We are very excited and anxious.

Packing for a 2 week trip with a 19 month old has proven to be a little tricky, I must confess. I should have started packing days ago. I am the queen procrastinator!

If I would have started packing say last weekend, I would have known that I have exactly 3 shirts that are both short sleeve and suitable for wear outside of the house.

I guess it really doesn't matter what I am wearing because I still have to wear this ridiculous back brace which pushes my fat roll above AND below it, creating a nice and attractive effect.

At least I have 7 or 8 pairs of shoes that I am bringing to balance out the 3 shirts!

I am such a train wreck!!

1 comment:

The Rambling Housewife said...

Cool! So excited!

So glad you'll be crashing into Texas!