06 March 2008

a random rambling..........when synapses do not connect

I am sitting here listening to the 'old skool rap sunday' playlist on my ipod.. Warren G is keeping me company whilst I take a rare moment to say hello to my loyal readers.
Do you ever just sit back and really miss the past? I have been having a lot of moments like that lately, hence the high school music mix. Although, high school is the last thing that I miss. Time has really just flown by in the last 5 years and I feel like I didn't stop to appreciate anything while I was there. That kind of freedom I can hope to see again in about 16.5 years............ I also know that there are fewer people around me that know what I mean if I say ........don't cry, dry your eye..And here comes your mother with those two little guys ..her mean mother steps then says to me "Hi!!"
I am getting old and boring. What the hell.. Did I grow up? not possible, I can still have fun.....................right??

1 comment:

The Rambling Housewife said...

Don't you know? Old is the "new young."

Getting old is where it's at!

(O.K. not really . . .I'm just trying to keep a positive attitude)

Getting old sucks!